Ugandans for Obama
UFOs sighted - Ugandans for Obama! The common greeting here [In Uganda] is "Oli otya," Luganda for "How are you?" But now most American visitors are greeted with a different question: "How is Obama?" - So writes Illinois journalism professor Bill Recktenwald writes about his visit to a university there and the rallies he witnessed in support of Obama. Rechtenwald writes about Bernard Sabiti, 25, who hosts a radio show combating HIV/AIDS and recently started a Ugandans for Obama (UFO) group. Sabiti says: "We admire his honesty; that is a rare thing in a politician. I placed a few posters around the university asking if people are interested in the election, or if they simply admire him, they should send me an e-mail." He had more than a hundred responses. Mawa Haruna, 24, adds: "It is not just those in the universities, or those in business who are following the election. If you go to St. Balikuddembe, the main market in Kampala you will find...